Wednesday, 19 December 2012

So it's been a little quiet...

on the old blog. 

Matthew has been away a fair bit, the kids have been hogging the laptop and when they weren't hogging it they were washing it and so it's been to the laptop hospital for a little while... It's finally back and I can start to regain life.

We had a lovely day on the street with a front garden market. I made some crayon rolls and some cakey bits and bobs and my mum was around with some of her knitted bits and we had a fun (but very cold!) day. It was a big success in terms of community atmosphere as well as being fun and I took nearly £100 which is never a bad thing. 

My neighbour made gorgeous cupcakes and hot chocolate (any hot food or drink sold very well as we were all very cold).

We had a muddy walk in the woods. Isabel took her binoculars.

And we had Hannukah doughnuts.


  1. Hooray! You're back :-) (852)

  2. Glad to see you blogging again, I missed your posts :-)
