Tuesday, 30 November 2010

Twelve vases

How is in life that you can get rid of twelve vases and still have enough for every occasion? Every one of them has been used and loved but life with small children is not conducive to Elton John style cut flower obsessions and so they have been packed up to go elsewhere (along with a jug that has gone to live with friends).

I am slowly sorting through the house with an aim to reduce our 'stuff' by a third. We have lived in this house for 7 years. When we moved in we filled every room and we've gained more things, a dog and 2 children since then and I feel like I can't breathe. The decision to get rid of things is however emotional. I can tell the story of every one of these vases - the one from Jordan; the centre piece from our wedding; the gorgeous but impractical Israeli ceramics; the boring but functional tall glass one that is perfect for lillies (but as my husband is allergic never gets used).

Oddly the only ones I've never put flowers in are the ones that are hardest to part with. This pair of vases belonged to my grandparents. I've never used them. I don't remember them particularly as being in my grandparents house but just knowing they were theirs makes it hard to part with them. They're a small bit of history. I hope that whoever ends up with them loves them. (Yes they're Royal Doulton but they're seconds and one has a crack in it so they're not worth anything other than that they look pretty.)

We're in the midst of a cold snap. We've mostly escaped the snow (although every morning Isaac asks if it's snowed and wants to rush to see) but we've had sharp frosts that have stayed all day.

We've developed a little ritual if we go to playgroup. On the way back we go into the petrol station and buy a packet of cloud crisps (skips) and then go to the park. The rush to the park is more of a draw than the crisps but if I try to bypass the petrol station all hell breaks loose. The packet is held in a firm grip until we reach the swings and then boy and bag swing gently until the lure of swinging high sees the bag thrust in my direction.

What's a boy to do when it's frosty - why scrape it up and eat it of course...

Friday, 26 November 2010

Russian dolls

I have a bit of thing for Russian dolls. We had an old family friend who has been in Russia just before the revolution and so we have a few family heirlooms that came from there and through my childhood we'd get to see them at celebrations and family gatherings. My mum now has a very old Russian doll and I have a slightly less old one (that came via a gentleman caller of my mother's), it sits on a high shelf well away from small hands - although Isaac can now climb the shelves so I suspect it may be moving soon. Anyway my mum picked up a small doll set for the bargain price of £1.75, or something thereabouts, and so the kids now have one they can play with.

She means business this one.

Wednesday, 24 November 2010

Reverting to type

As inspired by Amanda on Soule Mama we've been on the look out for an old typewriter for when the children are older. My mum came across this one which will be perfect for them! It's a Lilliput child's typewriter in great condition. The ribbon will need re-spooling at some point but I've found somewhere that will do that and Isaac and Matthew have both had a play.

Isabel is enjoying tucking into her food, or a spoon, she's not fussy. (Here with houmous.)

Tuesday, 23 November 2010

A cold and windy day on the beach

It was a very cold wind today but as it wasn't raining and there was the hint of some sun we braved the beach. There was much splashing and a few tears when dealing with a cold wet boy but it was fun.

Monday, 22 November 2010

8 months already

Wow that's gone fast!

Sunday, 21 November 2010

A train inside a train

Yesterday the boys headed off to the North Norfolk heritage railway. The best bit was the train inside a train where Isaac got to be ticket master, controller, driver and porter. Oh and he had to phone Lord Belborough to get Bessie steamed up (Chigley for those who don't know it).

Noisy neighbours

I can't hear much at the moment because I'm full of cold but even I can hear the geese that in the field next door to my mum's house!

Friday, 19 November 2010

Stormy seas

There's been a bit of calm this week.

But mostly we've been all at sea with illness. Off to Norfolk tomorrow an hopefully a rest.

Tuesday, 16 November 2010

That sinking feeling

We're all full of cold here so after a night of disturbed sleep as one or other child needed me I was delighted to pass them onto their dad at just before 6am (it's been closer to 5 most of the last couple of weeks) so I could try and sleep a little. At some point after 7 a small girl was deposited back in bed and fed once more and then a little before 8 a small boy with cold hands came crying for more milk (he'd been playing with the ice from his sand box as it was a very cold night last night). I managed to get breakfast, feed children and empty potties. One load of washing got put in and another put to dry. Bod was employed so I could have a shower. Said shower was cut short by baby falling over whilst free-ranging in the bathroom. Comforting of baby was cut short due to cries from downstairs (boy had dropped his pitta bread and the bear had eaten it). So still in a towel and carrying a heavy baby I made more pitta, tried to banish the dog bashing baby's head on the door frame in the process, whilst comforting baby dog sneaks back out again... you get the picture. But by 10am we were all dressed and my sink was shined*.

The rest of the kitchen was still the same but hey the sink was clear!

The boy was in bed before lunch. He must be ill. I'd like to do the same but the baby is awake, typical.

*for sink shining rationale see the Fly Lady (I make no pretence of doing the Fly Lady routine but she's right about the sink).


She's definitely got one!

We have put the tv away as a trial to see how life without tv works and in doing so I've dismantled the huge cabinet that it sat on but not before the boy played hide and seek in it and made it into a den.

I tried to get a sneaky photo of her exploring this morning but I was spotted...