Thursday 28 January 2010

A bed for the room and some air guitar

The back bedroom will be Isaac's one day, if he ever moves out of the big bed (there's no rush and I actually don't expect it for a while yet but it's nice for him to have the option). There is now a bed in there should he decide to use it. And because of the shape of the room it's had to go along a different wall than planned so the doors of the 'chuck everything in' cupboard have had to come off. This meant a very quick sort out was needed and new hiding places found for things that are either too old or young for small boys. He insisted on putting his old wellies on despite them being too small for him but even he couldn't get his first proper pair of shoes on and so gave up.

We need to get things like a light in there and sort out pictures for the very bare walls but it's looking a bigger room than it did and having storage under the bed (already full) is fantastic for tidying things away.

There was a bit of a problem with the commuter train last night...

We made scones this morning. As with all baking where there's a toddler and a dog on hand to help flour tends to get everywhere. The dog was looking decidedly grey...

And the boy somehow got a wodge of dough in his hair. This is why it's good to bake in the period between breakfast and a shower!

There are only 3 left now! In my defence we have had a lot of friends over today and I haven't eaten all of them.

You're never too young to learn air guitar!

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