Isaac came home from the street party with a prized possession, a bin. A scaled down version of the compost bins we have on the street. The bin has been to the park. The bin has been to bed with us (flipping the lid before 6am is a crime worse than any other). The bin has been lost many times in the last two days with many tears until it's found again. It's had treasures put in it. It's had rubbish put in it. It's been used to cart bits of stone and slate. It's sat next to him at meals.
This bin is loved.
And as with any prized possession it must be photographed.
There has been a lot of writing going on in the house. Both children will happily spend 20 minutes or so with pen and paper. Both will also draw on themselves and each other.
The white tshirt and the park - not a good mix.
And the other 'b' word of the day, bis(cuit). I had a very willing helper when I was playing ball with the bear earlier. She waited till he'd brought it back before dispensing the treats.
But 'how' did he acquire the bin? That young lady will be a rock climber, I dont think Ive ever had one that scales things the way she does!